Sunday, September 18, 2011

Spiffing up a little...

I took the day off on Friday (Sept. 16th) to go out to the Carolina Renaissance Festival site and do a little work on my fall weekend vacation home...aka Riki's trailer.  I delivered our new couch (which I will post pictures of later), the new air conditioner and various other things that needed to be in the trailer.  While I was there, I decided the outside needed a little TLC.

Years of neglect and exposure to the Carolina air made it very...old and moldy looking.  So I took out the trusty pressure washer and went to work.

I think it made quite a difference. By the time I finished, my arms were like limp noodles, my back was killing me and I was having cramps in both legs, but...I think it turned out rather nice.  Next year I'm hoping to do a little painting.  We'll see.

Can't wait for fest to begin...